Code | Target Framework (Click) | Units | National Baseline | Data Source | Reporting Agency | Implementation Responsibility | National Yearly Ranking | Independent Ranking | Reform Needs |
16.1 | Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere |
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Global Peace Index 2017 report ranks Pakistan 152 (163 countries) and Pakistan ranks 5th out of 163 countries on the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) with a score of 8.4 out of 10. |
16.1.1 | Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by sex and age |
Number | 7.8% (2014-15) | Police Statistic | Ministry of Interior (Federal Level) and Home Department (Provincial level) | Target improvement responsibility is on police and other law enforcing agencies. |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and UNODC is the custodian agency. This indicator is widely used to measure the most extreme form of violent crime and it also provides a direct indication of lack of security. Security from violence is a pre-requisite for individuals to enjoy a safe and active life and for societies and economies to develop freely.
16.1.2 | Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause |
Number | 1.9% (2014-15) | Police Statistic | Ministry of Interior (Federal Level) and Home Department (Provincial level) | Target improvement responsibility is on police and other law enforcing agencies. |
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OHCHR is the custodian agency for this tier 3 indicator and they are in the process of finalising a proposed methodology which will be piloted throughout 2018. The proposed methodology is based on a concentric approach to the counting of conflict-related deaths. There is a need for strict implementation of laws, speedy justice, development of justice statistic and improving citizen knowledge to counter conflict. |
16.1.3 | % | 32.2% (2014-15) | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Target improvement responsibility is on police and other law enforcing agencies. Women Ombudsman, Courts, and other women protection mechanisms. |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNODC is the custodian and WHO, UN Women and UNFPA are the partner agency.Indicator is based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed. It could be a dedicated victimisation survey or a special module in another household survey; a VS preferably with a fixed periodicity if not every year. |
16.1.4 | Proportion of population that feel safe walking alone around the area they live |
% | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Target improvement responsibility is on police and other law enforcing agencies including NCHR and MoHR. |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and UNODC and UNODA are the custodian agency. Indicators that are based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed. It could be a dedicated victimisation survey or a special module in another household survey; a VS is not necessary every year but preferably with a fixed periodicity. |
16.2 | End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children |
16.2.1 | % | - | Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys ( MICS ) /or PDHS | National Institute of Population Studies | Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNICEF is the custodian agency. All too often, children are raised using methods that rely on physical force or verbal intimidation to punish unwanted behaviours and encourage desired ones. The use of violent discipline with children represent a violation of their rights.
16.2.2 | Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age and form of exploitation |
Number | - | Database | Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Ministry of Interior | Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Ministry of Interior |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNODC is the custodian agency. Data on detected victims of trafficking are typically provided by national authorities competent in detecting trafficking victims, law enforcement institutions, or services assisting the victims to UNODC and published in the UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons every two years. National reporting needs to be developed for SDG 16 by sex, age and form of exploitation. |
16.2.3 | Proportion of young women and men aged 18-29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18 |
% | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Multiple departments and ministries |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNICEF is the custodian agency with UNSD and UNODC as its partners. Indicators that are based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed. The right of children to protection from all forms of violence is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and its Optional Protocols. |
16.3 | Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all |
WJP Rule of Law Index 2017 report ranks Pakistan 106 out of 113 overall, and the survey ranked Pakistan somewhat higher in subcategories such as government accountability (72 out of 113) and criminal justice (81 out of 113). Pakistan was ranked 106 out of 113 in civil justice, and 109 out of 113 in regulatory enforcement.
16.3.1 | % | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Implementation responsibility to improve ranking will be on Ministry of Interior (at federal level) and Home department as provincial level. |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNODC is the custodian agency. Lack of trust and confidence in the ability of the police or other authorities to provide effective redress, or objective and subjective difficulties in accessing them, can influence negatively the reporting behaviour of crime victims. Indicator is based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed.
16.3.2 | Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population |
Number | - | Prison Database | Ministry of Interior (Federal Level) and Home Department (Provincial level) | Prison Department and Judiciary (District Courts) |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and UNODC is the custodian agency. The proposed indicator 16.3.2 covers the efficiency of the justice system. Pakistan’s prisons house 57pc more prisoners than their authorised capacity, and two thirds of the total prison population is either awaiting or undergoing trial. The indicator signifies overall respect for the principle that persons awaiting trial shall not be detained in custody unnecessarily. |
16.4 | By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime |
16.4.1 | Total value of inward and outward illicit financial flows (in current United States dollars) |
USD $ Number | - | SBP and FIA | State Bank of Pakistan | Ministry of Finance, FIA Anti-Corruption Wing, SBP Anti-Money Laundering wing, NACTA and SECP |
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This is a tier 3 indicator and UNODC and UNCTAD is the custodian agency. As per INCSR, in Pakistan, estimates of illicit financial flows put over $10bn as escaping taxation and being siphoned off outside the country. The FATF wants increased enforcement against all proscribed organisations and individuals including all those organisations operating under new names, vigilance of non-profit organisations and enhancing capacity of the law enforcing agencies. |
16.4.2 | % | - | Database | Ministry of Interior (Federal Level) and Home Department (Provincial level) | Police and other law enforcing agencies. |
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This is a tier 3 indicator and UNODC and UNODA is the custodian agency. The nexus between organised crime, drug-trafficking and the illegal arms trade added a layer of complexity. To address that issue, arms needed to be regulated through enhanced controls and improved standards for their transfer. Enforcement of arms embargoes imposed by the UN Security Council, and effective marking and increased cooperation in tracing weapons were necessary. |
16.5 | Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms |
Pakistan is the 117 least corrupt nation out of 175 countries, according to the 2017 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. |
16.5.1 | % | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Target improvement responsibility is with government departments and their relevant ministries. |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNODC is the custodian agency. Indicator is based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed. Corruption Rank in Pakistan averaged 108.68 from 1995 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 144 in 2005 and a record low of 39 in 1995. |
16.5.2 | % | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Target improvement responsibility is with government departments and their relevant ministries. |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and World Bank and UNODC are the custodian agency. Indicator is based on victimisation surveys (VS) and for which a relevant survey programme needs to be developed. It could be a dedicated victimisation survey or a special module in another household survey; a VS is not necessary every year but preferably with a fixed periodicity. |
16.6 | Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels |
Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative by Economic Affairs Division (EAD), Government of Pakistan |
16.6.1 | Numbers | - | Demand for Grants (Pink Book) /or PIFRA | Ministry of Finance | Ministry of Finance (Variance Analysis (Budget Vs Expenditure)) and Auditor General |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and World Bank is the custodian agency. The end-of-year fiscal reports (/budget execution reports) are the sources of the actual spending. This data is typically obtained from websites of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) or the national Parliament. Detailed budgets and expenditures should be available on government websites on timely manner.
16.6.2 | Proportion of the population satisfied with their last experience of public services |
% | - | Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Target implementation responsibility is with all the local, provincial and national government departments and ministries. |
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This is a tier 3 indicator and UNDP is the custodian agency. The proposed methodology will focus on 3 core public services: education; health and administrative services. Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform and UNDP are collaborating on an initiative to develop a Citizens’ Satisfaction Index (CSI). |
16.7 | Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels |
16.7.1 | % | - | Human Resource Statistic | Multiple Agencies | Local Government Department, Provincial and National Assembly for national and local legislatures data, LJCP for judiciary data, and ministries for public services. |
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This is a tier 3 indicator – UNDP is the custodian and UN Women is the partner institution. The indicator is based on administrative data. Indicator 16.7.1 has three sub-components – one each for a given set of public institutions, namely the public service, the legislatures and the judiciary. Target 16.7 calls for “responsive, inclusive and representative decision making at all levels.” as such, reporting on this indicator needs to be done separately for various decision-making levels. |
16.7.2 | % | - | PSLM Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative by Economic Affairs Division and Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform. |
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This is a tier 3 indicator – UNDP is the custodian. Indicator 16.7.2 is analogous to measuring levels of ‘political efficacy’ (i.e. people’s feeling that their political views can impact on political processes), a well-established concept in political science used by the OECD as a ‘headline indicator’ of civic engagement and governance (ref. OECD’s How’s Life – Measuring Well-Being). |
16.8 | Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance |
16.8.1 | Proportion of members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations |
% | - | International Commitment | UN | United Nations (UN) |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and DESA/FFDO is the custodian agency. |
16.9 | By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration |
16.9.1 | % | - | PSLM Survey | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Interior (Union Council Office and NADRA) |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and UNICEF and UNSD are the the custodian agencies and UNFPA and DESA Population Division are the partner agencies. Registering children at birth is the first step in securing their recognition before the law, safeguarding their rights, and ensuring that any violation of these rights does not go unnoticed. There is a need for development of integrated national database. |
16.10 | Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements |
16.10.1 | Number | - | Police Statistic and Court Data | Ministry of Interior (Federal) and Home Department (Provincial) | National Commission of Human Rights, Ministry of Human Rights, Police, and other Protection Agencies and Standing Committees. |
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This is a tier 3 indicator and OHCHR is the custodian with ILO and UNESCO-UIS as partner agencies. The most significant human rights issues included extrajudicial and targeted killings; disappearances; torture; poor implementation and enforcement of laws. Additional problems were arbitrary detention; lengthy pretrial detention; harassment of journalists, and high-profile attacks against journalists and media organizations. |
16.10.2 | Number of RTI Legislations | Pakistan have Federal and Provincial Legislation | RTI Commissioners | Minister of Information and Broadcasting | Minister of Information and Broadcasting |
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This is a tier 2 indicator and UNESCO-UIS is the custodian with World Bank and UNEP as partner agencies. They can be contacted for latest info on methodology development and reporting framework. Public awareness and effective implementation on RTI laws is required in Pakistan. |
16.A | Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime |
This is a tier 1 indicator and OHCHR is the custodian. They can be contacted for latest info on methodology development and reporting framework. |
16.A.1 | Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles |
Checklist Score | Pakistan have Independent Commission | Checklist Survey | Ministry of Human Rights | National Commission on Human Rights |
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This is a tier 1 indicator and OHCHR is the custodian agency. The Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (The Paris Principles) adopted by General Assembly, Resolution 48/134 of 20 December 1993 provide the international benchmarks against which NHRIs can be accredited by the GANHRI. |
16.B | Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development |
This is a tier 3 indicator and OHCHR is the custodian. They will need to be contacted for latest info on methodology development. |
16.B.1 | % | - | Survey | Ministry of Human Rights | Ministry of Human Rights |
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This is a tier 3 indicator and OHCHR is the custodian agency. Grounds of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law, as enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequently elaborated upon by international human rights mechanisms, include ethnicity, sex, age, income, geographic location, disability, religion, migratory or displacement status, civil status, sexual orientation and gender identity. |